Manufacturers, suppliers and professionals in an international event of equipment and technology for Automotive Cargo and Passenger Transport. A platform for strengthening and generating business, offering the latest products and learning about them, obtaining information of interest for professionals of the Automotive Transport Industry.
Solutions for your company: from the moment of purchasing supplies and raw materials until the finished product is delivered to the client, including transport, production, packing, storage, movement, codification and distribution of your products. The full line for Logistics and the Supply Chain.
An answer to the real needs of the Professional Cleaning and Hygiene Sector. A platform for finding the largest amount of products and services that will allow you to expand your business and work efficiently.
A space where professionals of The Visual Communication Sector meet. They Introduce and search for new products, secure and generate relations for new business. This trade show is targeted to the professionals of Communication and Visual Advertising in public thoroughfares.
Every year this event gathers 550 professionals of the country´s Logistics sector. Master Presentations, Current Affairs and Networking of Logistics Professionals.
Collaborative activity between Peers: a scenario to share strategic knowledge among those responsible for supply chains to define the priorities of the sector and its solutions.
Collaborative activity between Peers in the Professional Cleaning and Hygiene sector to share knowledge to define the priorities of the activity and its solutions.
Every week in the electronic devices of professionals, announcements, interviews, news about car manufacturers, logistics operators, technological advances, training and other information of this activity.
The main electronic information for the Visual Communication activity.
Over 5 consecutive years. Every week in the electronic devices of professionals of this sector.
The main electronic media of the Hygiene and Professional Cleaning Sector.
Over 5 consecutive years. Every week in the electronic devices of professionals of this sector.
The only digital media specialising in the topic of private labels and second brands. Every Wednesday on the electronic device of the professional in the sector.
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